Lc3 trap instructions














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TRAP instruction. used by program to transfer control to operating system. 8-bit trap vector names one of the 256 service routines. Memory: holds both data and instructions Control Unit: sequences and interprets instructions LC3 TRAP Routines and their Assembler Names. NOTE: PC has already been incremented during instruction fetch stage. 9. Returning from a Subroutine. •RET (JMP R7) gets us back to the calling routine 3. TRAP instruction. ? Used by program to transfer control to operating system. ? 8-bit trap vector names one of the 256 service routines. TRAP instructions for the LC-3 Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. A linkage back to the user program. ? Want execution to resume immediately after the TRAP instruction. Lecture 15. COMPSCI210. 15.2 LC-3 TRAP Mechanism.The TRAP Instruction in LC3 for accessing Operating System Services. Uses TRAP instruction. • Used by program to transfer control to operating system (w/ privileges). • 8-bit trap vector names one of the 256 service routines. 0Privileged Instructions. 0 TRAP Routines. 0 Subroutines. 2. Wright State University, College of Engineering. Dr. Doom, Computer Science & Engineering.

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