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The Clause -2.7(c) of Purchase Manual of CIL is hereby amended to the following extent:- (1) CIL and its subsidiary companies may place online orders The Clause -2.3 (a) of Purchase Manual of CIL is hereby amended to include the following:- (1). CIL and its subsidiary companies may place online orders ????: Amendment to Purchase Manual, 2020 (Amendment No. 6). CIL Board has in its 413th meeting held on 14.10.2020 approved amendments to certain clauses Manual Tender, Online Tender, e-Tender and Electronic Tenders published by SECL Tender | South Eastern Coalfields Limited are published in this page.Tender System of Purchase and the laws attracted by the 72-80 This Manual is a guideline and all purchases are to be regulated as per SECL : i. The invoice shall contain the following provisions for enabling SECL to CIL PURCHASE MANUAL : The subject supply order shall also be governed by the.
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